Exhaust Ventilation Fans

It very important to have good exhaust ventilation fans set up throughout your household, and lack of these fans can result in a variety of problems that could end up damaging not only your health but also your material property. Excess moisture along with gases, pesticides, or smoke can be quite dangerous, and this is why good exhaust ventilation fans are a must-have for any household. Understanding a little more about how exhaust ventilation fans work will make it easier for you to select the right fan model for use in your home.

Choosing your exhaust ventilation fans

There are different recommendations provided by the Home Ventilation Institute regarding ventilation fans. Generally speaking, a ventilation system should be able to provide a specific number of air changes per hour (ACH). Larger spaces will require a higher number of ACH, while smaller spaces should do fine with lower ACH. Figuring our the ACH requirements for a particular room is essential, because this will help you to determine what size of ventilation fan should be installed in that area. Here are the recommended ACH requirements for different household areas.

Note that ACH will vary according to the size of the room and also the frequency with which air quality is affected. In some cases you might want to consider using above average ACH if you really want to ensure that a specific room is being ventilated properly. Finally, you will also need to calculate the cubic feet per minute (CFM) required for specific rooms that need to be ventilated. The CFM provided by specific fans will be detailed in the fan's description. A typical bathroom ventilation fan will have a CFM of around 100 or so.

Exhaust ventilation fans - other things to consider

Once you have determined the CFM and ACH required for a particular household area, you can move on to other aspects of the exhaust ventilation fans in question. For example, you might be interested in purchasing a fan that functions more quietly, as many exhaust ventilation fans are known to make a considerable amount of noise. Many recent ventilation fan models, however, function with a slight hum and are much quieter than the fans that were used several years ago. They can also have special humidity sensors that will trigger fan activation when a specific humidity level has been reached, and this can help you to save a good deal of energy.

Tips for choosing exhaust ventilation fans

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